LG E9 OLED TV Review

TheLGC9doesnotdifferfromtheLGE9intermsofimagetechnologyatall.BothTVsusethesameprocessor,the2ndgenerationAlpha9.TheC9hasa ...,2020年2月15日—LGB9vsC9vsE9·3DLUTsizeandauto-calibration.TheLGC9andE9have33x33x33LUTs(Look-upTables)whereastheLGB9uses17x1...。參考影片的文章的如下:


? LG E9 vs LG C9

The LG C9 does not differ from the LG E9 in terms of image technology at all. Both TVs use the same processor, the 2nd generation Alpha 9. The C9 has a ...

LG B9 vs C9 vs E9

2020年2月15日 — LG B9 vs C9 vs E9 · 3D LUT size and auto-calibration. The LG C9 and E9 have 33x33x33 LUTs (Look-up Tables) whereas the LG B9 uses 17x17x17 LUTs.

LG C9 OLED vs LG E9 OLED Side-by

The LG E9 OLED and the LG C9 OLED have very similar performance. The E9 has slightly better sound. Any other differences can be attributed to panel variance ...

LG C9 or E9?

2019年9月25日 — The C9 and E9 both have the same processor, so they will receive identical updates, though E9 may get more just for the sound stuff. I would go ...

LG OLED E9 or C9?

2020年5月18日 — IT really depends, are you talking 10-50 USD or are you talking about 50-150USD. Basically if it's cheaper to get the E9 than to buy a C9 and ...

LG OLED 智能電視:了解W9、E9、C9 和B9 型號之間的區別

第二LG OLED 智能電視我們將列出的是C9,該模型與B9 共享其大部分特徵。 但是,此模型的主要優點是處理器阿爾法9 第二代,功能更強大,能夠更靈活地操作系統資源。 實際上 ...


屏幕類型. OLED. 屏幕尺寸. 55. 解像度. 3840 x 2160. 可視角度. 完美可視角度. 闊色域技術. 完美色彩. 10 億豐富色彩. 是. 控光技術. 獨立像素控光技術.

Sony A9G vs LG E9

2019年11月6日 — 錢不是問題的話當然直上SONY,但是說實在的CP職目前以OLED來講絕對是LG治霸! 而且以專業平測來看的話C9還比A9G強一些....但是品牌價值當然是SONY躺著贏...

Which 2019 LG OLED TV should you buy? B9, C9, E9 and ...

2020年7月24日 — Although this is not a model we've had in for review, there's no reason to expect any superior picture to the C9 or E9 OLEDs. The W9 features ...


TheLGC9doesnotdifferfromtheLGE9intermsofimagetechnologyatall.BothTVsusethesameprocessor,the2ndgenerationAlpha9.TheC9hasa ...,2020年2月15日—LGB9vsC9vsE9·3DLUTsizeandauto-calibration.TheLGC9andE9have33x33x33LUTs(Look-upTables)whereastheLGB9uses17x17x17LUTs.,TheLGE9OLEDandtheLGC9OLEDhaveverysimilarperformance.TheE9hasslightlybettersound.Anyotherdifferencescanbeattributedtopanelvariance ...,2019年...
